Become a member or volunteer,
donate or give a gift…
Make a difference today!
Donate to FOSP
When you give directly to FOSP, you can be assured that your entire donation benefits Oracle State Park’s programs and initiatives.
Donations made to FOSP have been key to making capital improvements to the Park’s setting and visitor amenities, and to sustaining its educational and cultural activities.
No matter how much or little you can afford, your donation helps to make a big difference in keeping the Park open and thriving.
Donating is easy! Either link to our Donation Page or mail a check to:
Friends of Oracle State Park / Attn. Donations
P.O. Box 1406, Oracle AZ 85623
Become a Member
Your membership helps to secure Oracle State Park’s future as a wilderness preserve, historic architectural site, and vibrant center of culture and learning.
As a member, you will receive newsletter updates on Park programs and activities, special invites to Friends’ events and meetings, and the chance to share your energy and ideas on behalf of the Park. As a non-profit 501(c)3, membership fees are tax exempt.
Join us today! Membership rates start at just $25
To join online, visit our Membership Page;
Or mail a check and printed Membership Form (PDF) to:
Friends of Oracle State Park / Attn. Memberships
P.O. Box 1406, Oracle AZ 85623
Give a Gift
Consider purchasing a Kannally Ranch Commemorative Brick to honor a special person, organization or moment in your life.
There are plenty of opportunities to volunteer—from gardening and trail maintenance to helping out during special events, family activities, and more! Use our Contact Form and we will help you find the right fit.
We’d love to hear from you!
Email us at